The Book of Life (2014) vs Coco (2017)

Originally written on June 14th, 2020

Yes, I'm doing this! I wanted to do it from 3 years. I thought of doing a video, but I probably won't. There have been many videos and articles about this topic, from all points of view. I just want to present you a comparison of the movies and their behind-the-scenes. I'm presenting the objective facts and how, in my opinion, Coco poorly copied The Book of Life.

Original Concept’s Date

Book of Life (2014) 2007

Coco (2017) 2010

Announcement’s Date

Book of Life (2014) 2012

Coco (2017) 2015

Original Story

Book of Life (2014) Always this one. It’s actually the first of a trilogy.

Coco (2017) Various, but settled to a Mexican boy with a ban on music in 2015, AFTER the creators watched EVERY Day of the Dead movie EVER MADE and DIDN’T FIND ANY SIMILAR!

Trips to Mexico

Book of Life (2014) None, too touristy. The creator is Mexican.

Coco (2017) Several. They were later accused of “cultural appropriation” (they tried to trademark “Dia de los Muertos” in 2013). They had to have the former CEO of Mexican Heritage Corp. as a consultant after this incident.


Book of Life (2014) Original stop-motion CGI made with wooden puppets.

Coco (2017) Typical Disney/Pixar CGI.


Book of Life (2014) Some brat kids visit a Museum. Their badass guide brings them to a secret section, she shows them the Book of Life and starts to tell the story.

Coco (2017) Narration over some sheets of paper.


Book of Life (2014) Manolo Sanchèz: brave, sensible, romantic. He wants to become a guitarist.

Coco (2017) Miguel Rivera: dreamer, lazy. He wants to become a guitarist.

Reason the Family Abandoned Music

Book of Life (2014) It’s not manly enough.

Coco (2017) The douchebag great-great-grandfather who abandoned the family was a musician.

Family’s Business

Book of Life (2014) Bullfighters (the 2 most famous bullfighters are Manuel Laureano “Manolete” Rodriguez Sanchèz and Cristina Sanchèz).

Coco (2017) Shoemakers.

The Family

Book of Life (2014) Alive: father and grandmother (she’s on a wheelchair and they’ll both die).

Dead: mother, grandfather, 2 TWIN cousins, 2 ancestors (one wanted to be an OPERA SINGER), and more.

Coco (2017) Alive: parents, grandmother, great-grandmother (she’s on a wheelchair and she’ll die), uncle, little sister, and more.

Dead: great-great-grandmother (ex-OPERA SINGER), great-great-grandfather, great-grandfather, 2 TWIN uncles, 2 aunts.

Love Interest

Book of Life (2014) Maria Posada: badass, strong, very cool.

Coco (2017) There’s no love interest.

Antagonists & Villains

Book of Life (2014) Joaquin Mondragon Jr.: Manolo’s best friend and love rival.

Carlos Sanchèz: Manolo’s strict father.

Chakal: the bandits’ king.

Xibalba: the ruler of the Land of the Forgotten.

Coco (2017) Mama Imelda: Miguel’s strict great-great-grandmother.

Abuelita: Miguel’s strict grandmother.

Ernesto de la Cruz: Miguel’s idol and Hèctor’s rival.

How they are defeated

Book of Life (2014) Change of heart. Change of heart. Explosion inside a bell. He loses a bet.

Coco (2017) Change of heart. Change of heart. A bell crushes him.

The Afterlife

Book of Life (2014) Divided in the Land of the Remembered (colorful, festive) and the Land of the Forgotten (dark), where people slowly fades away.

Coco (2017) It’s pretty much just another city (reminds of Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride). If you’re forgotten, you disappear immediately.

Reason the Protagonist goes on the other side

Book of Life (2014) Bit by a snake to reunite with his love interest.

Coco (2017) Stole a guitar from a Mausoleum. Twice.

Reason of the Afterlife Journey

Book of Life (2014) Come back to life, find his mother, save his town and his love interest.

Coco (2017) Come back to life, find his great-great-grandfather, avoid his family.

Reason the Protagonist comes back to Life

Book of Life (2014) Wins a dangerous bet against Xibalba.

Coco (2017) His great-great-grandfather signs a bureaucratic document.

Important Items

Book of Life (2014) Manolo’s guitar.

Joaquin’s protective medallion.

The Book of Life.

Coco (2017) Hèctor’s guitar.

Hèctor’s photo.

“Get-out-of-jail” Afterlife document.

Climax Song

Book of Life (2014) Si Puedes Perdonar: powerful, emotional, romantic, original, heartfelt.

Coco (2017) Remember Me: boring, empty, mocked in the middle of the movie, already sang in a dozen different ways.

Movie Screen Time

Book of Life (2014) 95 minutes

Coco (2017) 105 minutes


Scrubs (TV Series)